Friday, 9 September 2011

Fashion Festival begins in Chester

We love fashion here at Freer PR, in fact, one of our lovely clients has been short-listed for a prestigious Drapers award. So when we heard that Chester would be hosting a two-week long fashion festival, starting this weekend, we were understandably overjoyed.

What better excuse to spend time in our beautiful city than a spot of style building and trend-spotting to ensure we are fully in the know about the latest 'must-haves'. With a variety of events including catwalk shows, makeovers and the 'Face of Cheshire' competition there is sure to be something to suit every taste and budget.

We love seeing Chester city centre packed to rafters with people enjoying all that it has to offer and there is no doubt the Fashion Festival will create a bubble of tourism for the stylish city.

Will you be making a trip to the Fashion Festival? We're wishing you a wonderful weekend whatever you have in-store.

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