As the saying goes, “All publicity is good publicity”, so free publicity is even better right? Not if a new report is anything to go by. Research carried out by Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) platform, BrightEdge, has shown that over 45% of websites and blogs do not have 'share' buttons which allow visitors to quickly pass on content to their social networks.
At Freer PR we were bitten by the social media bug a long time ago and like many people, it has become a big part of our lives. We love connecting with others and often help our 'friends' out by sharing their messages. The power of social media is phenomenal and just by adding a 'share' button to your sites you can increase the chances of gaining wider exposure; in-fact it's proven that websites with 'share' facility gain seven times as many mentions on Twitter.
Most basic website and blog templates now come with an in-built 'share' button but if you haven't got one and would like people to be able to pass on your messages then they can be added easily. There are tools such as AddThis that can be installed in a matter of minutes and link to all the social media networks from one simple button.
What are you waiting for? Start sharing today!
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